You’ll often see ‘bending radius’ on our cable product datasheets and wonder what we’re referring too. The cable bending radius is a measurement of the smallest diameter a cable can bend without causing any damage to the structure of the cable.

Factors affecting it can be the cable size, cable construction, conductor type and type of sheath/ jacket with insulation types as a final option.

The bending radius is usually expressed as a factor of the overall dimension of the cable. For example 6xOD (Outer Diameter), 6x or 6D.


Relevant standards determine a minimum bending radius to protect the integrity and performance of a cable. At Linxcom this will always be highlighted on our product datasheets. Our team are also on hand to help you if you can’t find the information. Where the bending radius has been exceeded- whether through packing, winding it into a ball to fit in a drawer or damage, the cable could show signs of damage like kinking or sheath damage. If you’ve spot any of these signs and have the means, you may need that cable getting it tested, at a Cable lab. They will perform a sheath integrity test for you and this will determine if the cables performance has been hindered.

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